There is always a good reason to amaze your partner!

Birthday, anniversary, marriage proposal, honeymoon...

Choose one of our love sets to excite those you love and leave him speechless

from €180.00

Have you booked dinner at the farm and want to surprise your sweetheart?

Request an extra love set: ceiling decorated with roses and fairy lights.

18 roses - €180.00

50 roses - €290.00

100 roses - €500.00

petals on the floor starting from €100.00

Contact our concierge to book dinner and add the love set.

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Chalet al Foss Alp Resort - ADULTS ONLY (+16)
Via Nazionale, 2/A I-38029 - VERMIGLIO (TN)
Tel. +39 0463.758161   -   Fax. +39 0463.759048
e-mail info@hotelchaletalfoss.it
PIVA 01136580220
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